Sound design for
point to touch,
to touchpoint...
by nonhumanities
I did sound design and scoring for the live work and video element of this multimedia performance, installation, architecture and video project by the nonhumanities collective:
point to touch, to touchpoint
fall low up lands, low fall lands up
you resemble the wall, you resemble the garden
point to touch, to touchpoint... is a project series by nonhumanities (Conrad Cheung, Anna Hogg, Katie Schetlick). Through installation, video, sound, wearable, and performance, the series asks how familiar spatial genres like the maze might be reimagined as sites for alternative modes of sociality and embodiment, reconfigured dynamics of power, multiplications of narrative, processes of cooperation and community, and more.

Photo documentation of the installation for Richmond VA's InLight festival, Nov 2023

The audio I created was also used as a score for the video portion of the project.

All images above courtesy of nonhumanities (Conrad Cheung, Anna Hogg and Katie Schetlick)
Costume construction by Annie Temmink; assistant camera by Kaitlyn Paston
Performances by Sara Burtner, Elena Dimitri, Nandhini Kathiravan, Maya Koehn-Wu, Meixin Yu, Paige Werman, Gabrielle Richardson, Katie Schetlick, Katelyn Hale Wood, Rachel Lane, Kevin Jerome Everson, Conrad Cheung and various members of the public